
  1. A

    Best Rubber Band Magic?

    Looking for anyone's input. Instant downloads or gimmicks, all will be greatly appreciated!
  2. A

    Best of Instant Downloads...

    Hey guys, second post today, and second post ever! I am looking to get one or a couple cool instant downloads, and are wondering what people would recommend. I do some stage and parlour magic. But mainly children's shows, and close up (non-card) work. Excited to hear people's opinions and what...
  3. HopMan3000

    Best Tricks Under $10

    Hello, I was wondering what y’all think the top 5 downloads are on T11 for under ten bucks, preferably card but any work. Thanks. Hopson :)
  4. M

    Oddyliciou5 by PK Son and Andino (A Great Download You've Probably Yet to Hear of)

    Hey everyone, I recently purchased Oddyliciou5 after seeing a post on /r/magic on Reddit, and it was so good I felt compelled to write a review. Sorry this is a long read, but Oddyliciou5 was amazingly comprehensive. For those who don’t care to read the whole thing, i’ve offered a TLDWR (Too...
  5. Khaleel Olaiky

    Cardistry moves by a mgician

    I AM NOT A CARDIST I'm not good at cardistry at all but i enjoy practicing and creating moves sometimes. I created some good flourishes and i was thinking to put them up on the wire but i know if i filmed the trailer myself nobody will download it even for free LOL, Do you think i should keep...
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