
  1. JrWerneth

    Elite Membership Card

    Dear Reader, I recently crossed over the Elite Member Status barrier. It was fun getting to this point! But, I was reading a forum on this website that said they only give cardboard cards now. Is there anyway I could pay Theory XI the money they need to make the card metal? I mean it’s a...
  2. TienLevy

    Elite stainless steel card

    Dear T11 Team, "Once your lifetime point balance exceeds 10,000, you will be an official Elite Member, and you'll receive a stainless steel card in the mail!" In 2020 January finally the time has come, I reached the 10k and became an elite member :) But here we are now, more than half year...
  3. GavHern

    Elite membership card

    Hello, Forums! Back in November, I achieved my elite status for theory11 and I filled out a form for what name I wanted on the card. I still haven't received my elite card and would like to know if other people have had the same experience. Support has told me that they make these cards in...
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