elite points

  1. JrWerneth

    Elite Membership Card

    Dear Reader, I recently crossed over the Elite Member Status barrier. It was fun getting to this point! But, I was reading a forum on this website that said they only give cardboard cards now. Is there anyway I could pay Theory XI the money they need to make the card metal? I mean it’s a...
  2. ayc1206

    How do I know if I have enough elite points to get a product for $0.00?

    Hey, so I was just wondering if any of you guys would know how to tell if I had enough points to get a product for $0.00. Like, is there a system where a certain amt. of points equals to a certain amt. of money? Thanks for the help.
  3. GavHern

    Elite membership card

    Hello, Forums! Back in November, I achieved my elite status for theory11 and I filled out a form for what name I wanted on the card. I still haven't received my elite card and would like to know if other people have had the same experience. Support has told me that they make these cards in...
  4. Wkirk1467

    Theory11 app

    How useful would it be if Theory11 had an app. It could keep track of all of your videos, orders, and refills. It could update you on your shipments and forum replies/posts. You could have access to incredible magic with just a click. Thoughts?
  5. Khaleel Olaiky

    10K points ... what now?

    After years I finally reached the 10K lifetime elite points and I should be an elite member now, I have reached the goal a few days ago but nothing really happened yet, I'm just asking should I do something like contacting the support and let Theory11 know? or just wait more and I will get some...
  6. CJK

    Elite Membership

    Question, to become an elite member do you have to get ten thousand usable elite points or 10,ooo total with some being spent?
  7. A

    Archive // On what to spend 1750 Elite points

    Hey everyone, as you my all read from the title, I have 1750 Elite points left to spend on someting, but I don't know what is the best thing to get for that. I got my Rarebit deck from Archive, and my friend gave me his account with 1750 points, but all the wristbands are sold out. If you have...
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