
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Opinions on the Masked Magician?

    I have mixed feelings on Val. He has said he wanted to get a new generation of kids into magic which is always a good thing, but I'm not sure his method is the best way. 99% of the tricks Val revealed are nearly impossible for his audience to perform on his own. Occasionally he'd reveal a trick...
  2. Maaz Hasan


    Hey guys, I may have an opportunity to go to the Penguin Magic's Live Magic Expo in Philadelphia. If I do, this will be my first ever magic convention (or major gathering). I was just wondering a few things and would like to have some info. Please tell me about what these conventions are like...
  3. MagicManDK

    Where is Exposé ?

    Back on September 23rd, Theory 11 posted an Exposé video saying that there will be new videos coming soon. I haven't seen any new Exposé videos. What happened? Where is Christen Gerhart? Is she no longer with Theory 11?
  4. GrahamHorgan

    Your thoughts on showing a magic trick to the same people over and over again?

    (NOT IN PERSON, BUT UPLOADING YOUR MAGIC.) This is an issue I have for myself on uploading my tricks and routines to YouTube and such places. I`m sure you`re like me. You have close friends and family that follows your magic and will see theses videos. Don`t you think by them seeing it, it takes...
  5. Khaleel Olaiky

    Expose needs a refresh ?!

    I love watching Expose every week (I hate Fridays for personal reasons but expose makes my Friday better every week ) I love the news, the giveaways everything about it, it's the best youtube show about this community (comparing it the other shows) BUT, I think it's time to refresh it a little...
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