
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Teaching People Magic?

    If a spectator asks you to teach them a magic trick, do you? I almost always do. Usually this isn't when people ask "how do you do that?" it's just when they ask "can you teach me a trick?". It usually seems to come from a place of genuinely wanting to learn something cool to show their friends...
  2. Gabriel Z.

    Youtube Guilt

    Hi folks, I have a YouTube channel , and lately I've been considering weather I should have put it up in the first place. I have read some threads on the forum concentrating on this topic. Moreover , I know of some people on this forum who also have YouTube channels. I think I...
  3. A

    Fighting exposure

    I came across a channel of a french "magican" that made actual tutorials on how to construct and use gimmicks like Little door, Hover card, Symbolized and many more tricks. They were not exposing videos, they were long videos explaining how to construct those gimmicks by yourself. So I thought...
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