
  1. JLAndersonMagic

    Favorite Match Magic?

    Hello hello hello!!! I've been looking to break out of Card Tricks for a bit and want to explorer other ways to perform magic with other objects. Lately, I've been into matches. I think it's something about the fire. Fire Eating Jr. as I call it. The tricks I mainly know are the Human Chimney by...
  2. B

    What is your favorite Magician?

    I want to know your favorite or some of your favorite magicians. Not only the basic answers you always hear from laymen: David Blaine, dynamo and Chris Angel. (Don't get me wrong those are all great magicians, they're just very famous)Who inspired you. Who has interesting thoughts. Who created...
  3. G

    Whats your favorite color change?

    I have been thinking allot recently about all the color changes that exist in the magic world and was wondering what some of the communities favorites are weather it be an actual worker color change or just a fun one that you enjoy doing at home in front of a mirror or camera. I'm personally a...
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