Anyone have the Butterfly Deck by Ondrej Psenicka? If so, what do you think about the deck? I'd love to hear what you think of the stock, finish, thickness, lack of borders, and markings. Thank ya!
Rather than asking about exposure on the internet, I was wondering what people thought of the state of YouTube comments on basically any magic performance on AGT, BGT, Fool Us, Ellen, etc. It seems that most of the comments are along the lines of: "Terrible magician/dumb trick, he just used an...
This is Michael Vincent's second appearance on Fool Us.
At 27:09, Penn said the way he put the cards down on the table is something every magician needs to learn. I watched this in 720p, pausing and stopping, and zooming in through the entire routine countless times and I could not figure out...
"Oh you can't fool me! I've watched every episode of Magic's Biggest Secrets/Penn and Teller Fool Us/both Now You See Me movies"
It might just be a teen thing. But I've also found that most of the people saying this are the ones who will call out "I saw that!" when you haven't done anything...
In this video, timon krause performs a routine in which he asks allison to place a coin in one hand or the other, and is able to tell which hand each time, but for the final round, he removes a prediciton from his pocket. You can see the ink through the back of the paper and it reads 'GHT GHT'...