
  1. Khaleel Olaiky

    The story behind my latest video

    Magic got my attention in 2009 but I discovered the community in 2013 when I started practicing more and going to forums and buying DVDs, long story short I met a friend online back then and we started chatting a lot and having skype calls every once in a while, we had so many things in common...
  2. malek.azar

    Who to show?

    We all know that to be better in magic, we have to practice, practice and practice at home, but we also need to show others our tricks which is essential to becoming better. I always show my friends magic tricks, however, I feel that I am starting to annoy them especially when I started to...

    Sparking Interest in My Magic

    How do I spark interest in my magic among my friends? I recently rediscovered magic after over 10 years of not practicing. (I’m 25). Getting back into it has brought me an immense amount of joy but it’s alot less rewarding when there is nobody to perform for. My girlfriend loves it but...
  4. B

    Looking for dutch cardists/magicians

    Hi, I'm from the netherlands. I started magic about 2 years ago, but I didn't really do it a lot. I grabbed my cards, did a spring and a bad double lift, and threw my cards back into the corner. But at the start of 2017, I started taking it more serious. I saw This was something i loved doing. I...
  5. eduardo.ojeda9821

    I wanna improve in everyday objects magic.

    Hey! If you know any video or made any video about doing magic with phones, headphones, wallets, watches, money, shoes, other people... Please let me know, I've searched a lot but I can't find a really cool trick, I hope you can help me, maybe we can even became friends hahahaha it would be...
  6. Z


    Hi, Im Shawn, and i've just recently gotten back into magic. I'm looking for some cool people to jam with. To be honest I'm trying to immerse myself back into the performing life and would love some cool people to talk to about magic.
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