gold monarchs

  1. Antonio Diavolo

    The OTHER Gold Monarchs?

    So a few weeks ago, I was trying to find a way to purchase one of the Now You See Me 2 chip card props that were given out during the Holiday Wheel a few years ago. Then I stumbled across this Monarch variant online. I have never seen or heard of these before. They look like normal Monarchs...
  2. OveRide

    Gold monarchs quality

    Hey guys, I recently got a deck of gold monarchs and they felt really good out of the box, and they fanned really well, but then once I went back to it after a week or so, all the cards were stuck and weren't able to come iut of the tuck case..once I managed to get them out and I tried to fan...
  3. DenizUe

    Pyramid Puzzle Box

    So I got my Pyramid Box today and opened it up imidetly, only took me like a minute, it’s not hard. My Mystery Deck kinda disappointed me, I got the JAQK Amethyst Edition (not a big fan of Jaqk decks). I wanna know what else you can get and if you bought a Pyramid as well, what did you got?
  4. W

    Gold Monarchs

    Hey guys, I've been in magic/cardistry for a while, but I'm new to the Theory11 site. I have almost all of the different variations of the Monarchs, and I really want the gold ones to complete my collection. Somebody may have already asked this and I just missed it, but is there any way to get...
  5. Antonio Diavolo

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    Just got my Gold Monarchs from T11 in the mail today. I'm debating opening them. I don't think I'll resell them but I'm not sure if I want to open them or not. Then again, what's the point of having them if I don't take them out at some point. What do you guys think?
  6. TylerScottIllusionist

    Gold Monarchs Review!

    At long last, the Gold Monarchs review! Sorry for my absence. I have been crazy busy this spring/summer. I have a bunch of ideas I want to put out as far as content and just not enough time to do it. That may or may not be a good thing. Regardless, hope you enjoy the new format I'm experimenting...
  7. Martin Eret

    Gold Monarch Value

    Hey everyone, So Theory11 is having their last chance of 2015 to get Gold Monarchs tomorrow. Currently, most of the tricks they have are nice, but none of them really scream out to me as something I absolutely have to get. I think I'd have trouble picking out $100 worth of products. However, I...
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