
  1. pit820

    Green Bikes! Help!

    First off sorry if this is in the wrong section this is my first post. It's a question about a product, just not one of T11's. So I have been sitting here for about the last hour nostalgically reminiscing about my path through magic, and pondering what made me start it all. Something I hadn't...
  2. serubi

    Red & Green Nationals playing cards

    It seems like Theory11 has made a deal with Barnes & Noble, because they sell red and green versions of the Nationals playing cards. I'm not sure how long these have been available, but just thought I'd share.
  3. M


    Due to the rarity of this deck I do not have a grasp on what it's value is. I found a seller of multiple GREEN Rarebit decks new unopened but I am unsure if the asking price is fair or I should move on? The seller is asking $100 per deck. The only other deck I see is on Ebay for $350 Buy It Now...
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