
  1. macfil

    Magic interviews for free

    Hi, I'm happy to invite you for a journey. Who ever dreamed about talking with legendary magicians, respected magicians and famous performers every 2 days - their dream come true. Since last week I did live streams with Andi Gladwin, David Bonfadini or Billy Kidd. Still available to watch at my...
  2. C

    I interviewed Daniel Fernandez...

    For those of you who don’t know, Daniel is a huge youtube magician with almost a million subscribers! He’s all over social media, feautured on the Ellen Degeneres show and has performed for celebrities like Jack Black, Margot Robbie and many many more. I kept the raw uncut video so you can see...
  3. L

    Research for movie -- want to be interviewed?

    Hi, I'm currently writing a movie. It's my second feature film and they always come from a place of great personal interest and authenticity. I grew up loving and practicing magic as a hobby, and feel like real, traditional magic (not overly-romanticized or a bit hyper-real like The Prestige...
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