marked deck

  1. F

    Maiden Back T11 Marked Deck?

    I am digging through a drawer of decks I haven’t used in a while. I came across a T11 branded Maiden Back Deck USPCC/2014. It is clearly marked but it is also in some stack order. I’m familiar with most stacks (not that I have any memorized) but I can’t figure out which stack this is. The stack...
  2. JacobW1194

    Tycoon Markings

    I love the idea of a marked deck, and I love the Tycoon design. But, I personally prefer some of the other colors available more than green. Are the green Tycoons the only marked versions, or are all of the Tycoons marked?
  3. Antonio Diavolo

    Butterfly Deck?

    Anyone have the Butterfly Deck by Ondrej Psenicka? If so, what do you think about the deck? I'd love to hear what you think of the stock, finish, thickness, lack of borders, and markings. Thank ya!
  4. Weeping Angel

    Tricks with marked decks

    Hi, I'm looking for some tricks I can perform with a marked deck of cards. I recently picked up the Madison dealers and was looking for a trick I could use at anytime, with no preparation except the marked deck. I would like a free tutorial if you can find one. Thanks!
  5. V

    Different ways to mark rider back bicycles.

    I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for marking the rider back bicycles in a different and interesting way. I've considered using the birds to identify cards but haven't figured out the best way. I typically use the 'pinwheel' pips in the top right corner of the cards but I want to...
  6. Maaz Hasan

    Classic Looking Marked Deck BATTLE (sort of)

    Hey guys! So I've been super interested in classic looking marked cards for an effect (specifically readers, or really easy to read marked cards) and run into a predicament: Cards are expensive! Now I know that I can make my own system (which I have done) blah blah blah, but I was really...
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