
  1. Khaleel Olaiky

    Holiday wheel statistics

    I don't know if this will be interesting to anyone here, but I like statistics and charts. I have been spinning the glorious wheel since the beginning in 2013 and it hit me that it's been 10 years. so I decided to do the math and show the result. I wanted to wait and include the 2023 wheel in...
  2. K

    Card tricks requiring memorization/calculation skills?

    So anyone knows card tricks which require quick calculations or memorization for performing? I kind of want to practice mind skills rather than only sleight of hand... Where can I find some source on those kinds of tricks?
  3. lolhammertime

    Equations that always end at 13?

    So I recently bought a gaff deck and I want to use the 13 of diamonds with math. I'm planning to do a trick where the participant gets their age, blah blah blah (insert math here) and it should end at the number 13. If you know any, please tell me some equations?
  4. B

    New Math magic trick

    Hi everybody, Today I came up with a very very simple trick: think of any 2 digit number. subtract from this number the sum of it's digits. Add all the digits of this new number together. I know your answer. What do you think? Bickio
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