memorized deck

  1. Antonio Diavolo

    What does everyone think of the Stack Watch?

    Before getting into my thoughts, please keep this civil and refrain from needlessly trashing Ellusionist or anyone involved with the watch. I want to keep this discussion rational and civil as I am genuinely curious as to what others think of this product. Over the past week or so, there has...
  2. bouaidelmehdi52

    Mnemonica stack

    Give me tips on mnemonica Trying to nail it
  3. K. Anthony Almario

    Memorized Deck Glimpses and Estimations

    Hi everyone. I am a new memdeck student and I am working through Mnemonica. I am enjoying it so far, but frustration has started to creep up on me. I pray that you guys can help me on this. Many of the effects, especially the direct and quickie effects require estimations and glimpses to...
  4. S.U.B-Xero

    Which suite do spectators mostly choose when asked to name any card?

    I don't mean most often chosen cards like Ace of Spades or Queen of Diamonds. I mean when people are asked to think about or name a card, what is the probability that they will most of the time say out a card belonging to a certain suite. I think spades and diamonds are up there. I wanted a...
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