
  1. M

    Looking for a Magician near La Roche-sur-Yon

    My little cousin in France started learning some magic and wants to learn more, but his parents don’t know anyone or anywhere to go to get him more advanced materials. I’m teaching him what I can while I’m here, but if anyone knows a magician who can guide him more or knows a store near La...
  2. Mind_Over_Magic

    Ambitious Magician in Los Angeles Looking to Meet Other Talented Magicians to Practice/Work With.

    Hello, my name is Matthew and I live in Los Angeles right near the Magic Castle. I am looking to meet other ambitious and talented magicians and mentalists in the area to learn and grow with. Also looking for potential partner for business ventures completely related to magic but only if we are...
  3. pbernardo

    Have a magic mentor. Good? Bad? Necessary?

    Hello magic brothers. I am a beginner and would love to know your opinion about a topic wich has been in my mind for weeks. Do you think every magician should find a mentor? I love learning from books and yes, also videos, but from time to time I think ... how to know if you are progressing...
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