muscle pass

  1. Nerv

    Help with the muscle pass...

    Hi, I need some help with the coin falling up trick. I can shoot the coin to the other hand, but how exactly do you shoot it upward? Do you tilt your hand so the coin faces upward, or is there some other way? Thanks. :)
  2. FragonX

    Muscle Pass. :)

    Hello everyone, I am new here and I am very happy there's magic forum like here. Can help me a lot. Btw, I just want to ask tips ( A LOT OF ) about the Muscle Pass. I've praticising it since 3 days ago, but what I want to know if it's normal if the coin pop from my hand at the side. I use my...
  3. J

    Muscle Pass Help

    Hey all, First post here, Have learned a lot from reading the old posts on this topic, but there's not much on the problem I'm having... I've only been practicing the muscle pass for a couple days now. I know it will take a while but I feel like I'm making decent progress. I can get it to...
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