
  1. B

    What are the best places to perform?

    I am a beginner and I want to start performing in public places for strangers. I have done it a few times but my presentation was not that good because of the nerves.. I also perform for friends in my breaks at school (I'm 16). When I do a trick to a friend of friend my hands may be shaking a...
  2. Antonio Diavolo

    Approaching People

    I'm by no means new to magic but I am 17 and most of my magic I do is at school and occasionally for some of the middle school kids in our local burger place that everyone goes to on Fridays. However, I usually just do tricks to whoever I end up sitting next to in class or to my friends. I have...
  3. eduardo.ojeda9821

    I could use some help.

    Hello partners, I need an advise, when I do magic I get very nervous and my hands start shaking, I say to myself "you just need more practice, and practice in front of other people" but I've done that and the only way I managed to avoid the shaking was in a bar with a shot of tequila. So any...
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