
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    What are your favorite "Organic" tricks?

    Hey everyone! If you're like me, you've become annoyed by use of the word "organic" in magic marketing. It seems to get attached to basically any magic product these days and thus for many people it has lost any meaning it once had. I still have my own definition of what I'd consider to be...
  2. Arconik

    Organic Book Recommendations

    Any recommendation for books that teach organic magic, or tricks that use everyday objects (don't use cards (and keep coins to a minimum)). (Mostly cause I am bored due to all the free-time (more practice at least) and I'm just interested at a part of magic I ain't really looked at yet)...
  3. T

    What exactly is “Organic Magic”?

    I think Organic Magic are magic tricks that can be performed entirely with borrowed objects, but I am not quite sure. I can’t find much of a description on the internet, so anyone care to enlighten me?
  4. 010rusty

    First hand look at Ellusionist's new product!! (WARNING: HIGHLY ORGANIC)

    Hello, everyone. As many of you may know Ellusionist has been working on top secret product. That is why I'm so happy to share with you the brand new, Organic, commercial, and highly practical effect that will shape the course of modern magic as we know it!!!! Above you will see the DVD case...
  5. D

    Has any professional magicians here try...

    Creation by Paul Harris? I have been wanting to for a long time now, but have not gotten around to it. It's one the most organic and beautiful ideas I have read of his. If any of you have, I would love to hear about it and what the context was that you presented it in. Maybe even discuss your...
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