
  1. ayc1206

    How do I know if I have enough elite points to get a product for $0.00?

    Hey, so I was just wondering if any of you guys would know how to tell if I had enough points to get a product for $0.00. Like, is there a system where a certain amt. of points equals to a certain amt. of money? Thanks for the help.
  2. Arconik

    Coin Benders (UK)

    So I know this is an american site but I prefer the community here. I am looking for a coin bender and before I settled on ox bender, however when I went to my magic shop to get a new pk ring as my old one broke and he said ox bender isn't the best for English coins and he would recommend...
  3. TheDerpsterKoder

    What product is this?

    Hi I recently saw this video on YouTube by Rise magic and I was wondering if anyone knows what the trick is at 10 seconds into the video and where can I learn it? PS: just a side question, whats the effect right in the beginning?
  4. D

    Playing Cards - Top Things to Look for in a Deck

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the community (and also pretty new to magic) but I have a question for you all! As a graphic designer who just recently got into magic, I think it would be really cool to develop my own deck of playing cards. While I would mostly just be doing this for fun, I do want...
  5. Maaz Hasan

    Counterfiet Assets

    I'm not positive because I have not bought Counterfiet (yet), but I think it is safe to infer that the trick requires some duplicates? If so, does it come with the Duplicates, such as the Torn and Restored Transpo?
  6. N

    "Nameless Hero Card" Marketplace release

    Hi, My Name is Nicolas and I want to release my first trick that I have created. The trick title "Nameless Hero Card" was inspired by the nameless hero in the gothic series. I'm from Germany and my english is not perfect, but you can understand everything that you need to know and I think the...
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