push-over second

  1. E

    Best Practices for practicing the second deal

    I'm working on a push-off second. What's the best way to practice this. Would you recommend getting a decent handle on the push-off before starting to practice the timing and the take? Or should you try to practice all of these things from the get go. Or maybe start practicing the take as soon...
  2. I

    Pushoff questions: DL vs second deal, video sources,etc

    Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me here. I'm looking for video tutorial to compliment the texts I have on learning the multiple push-off. My questions: - is the actual push off part the same for DL as what is in Jason England's second deal push video? - is the England's push-off the same...
  3. Scodischarge

    Second Deal Trouble

    Hi guys, me again. This will really be two questions, one for the push-over and one for the strike second. When I do the push-over second deal (I do it as Erdnase teaches with the thumb pushing over two cards at the top of the deck, not at the side) my trouble is that the top card is always...
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