
  1. EugeneS2

    Can Quantum Space have refills?

    So ive been using Quantum for a solid 2-3 weeks now and I love it, but I realized the "gimmick" wears out pretty easily and once used a certain amount, people can easily see it. Is there a way to maintain it or should Theory 11 Consider refills, what do you guys think?
  2. F

    Bare Refills?

    Hello! Awaiting my Bare pen order to ship and, being the type A sort I am, I'm already wondering if there will be refills available? :) Hoping so, this looks like a real worker! Any confirmation as to if they'll be available (or not) and if so, when, would be much appreciated! Thanks, FB
  3. W

    Regeneration Refills?!?!

    How do I get a refill on regeneration cards?
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