riffle fan

  1. Theexpanse

    My riffle fan is bad

    I’ve had trouble doing the riffle fan for a while it seems to always get sick on my fingers and not be even, I have tried using different decks but they problem still occurs is there any solutions? video of me doing the fan (
  2. N

    Riffle fan advice?

    I'm guessing there's been a ton of threads with this exact same topic so sorry if this is repetitive but i'm looking for advice on the riffle fan? I've learnt the method about a few hours ago but can't seem to get past a quarter of a circle, not sure if i should keep the platform finger flat so...
  3. lolhammertime

    Riffle fan tips?

    Hello! I recently learned the riffle fan, and I'm hoping some of you could spare some tips? When I perform the riffle fan, it only fans halfway... Not a full circle fan unlike most others. Can anyone help me get it to a full circle? Thanks in advance!
  4. WilliamC9

    Questions about riffle fans.

    I was watching some videos on YouTube and a cardist did a fan that spread 360 on top of their finger (s). I didnt know what it was called but I think it was a riffle fan. This was the video. It was one of the first few moves. I have heard that for many fans a pristine deck of cards are...
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