
  1. Mind_Over_Magic

    Can You Help Me With Great List of Effects For an 18th year bday party (walk around) gig?

    Hi Everyone, I have a gig in a couple weeks for a young lady's birthday party who is turning 18 years old. It will be a lot of friends her age (about 15-20 of them) and the rest family and adults (another 15 people). It will be mostly walk around and small group performances over a 2 hour or...
  2. pit820

    Close Up Routines [NOT CARD TRICKS]

    Hi, I'm a young magician and I'm starting to do more gigs. I have particularly specialized with card trick, which is good... but I would love to diversify. My style is the walk around, close up magic. Some of my performance favorites include: Play it straight triumph Piece de Resistance 52-1...
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