
  1. D

    Where to buy good quality silks at a good price?

    Hi, I'm just starting with silks to illustrate Bible lessons for our church. I placed an order with a site a month and a half ago and I think they went out of business, because the order is still "awaiting fulfillment" and all my messages remain unanswered. Anyway, what I am wanting to order...
  2. L

    Silk magic and sponge all magic

    hey all! So I wanted to increase my routine a little because currently I am only good at card tricks I want to be able to do really cool silghts. So I was wondering does anyone know anyone or some sources for sponge balls/silk anything is fine and price is not a problem! Thanks so much
  3. S

    Candle Magic

    Hey Everyone, I am working on a candle routine in homage to Fantasio to perform at the end of the semester for my college magic club's Spring Showcase. Does anyone have any suggestions as to some candle/silk related tricks. And does anyone know where I can find some good quality candles, they...
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