
  1. Tricky Fingers

    Magician Survey

    Hey fam! If not allowed, let me know and I can remove this. I've put together a quick 10 question survey about Magicians (link goes to survey). I'll be using the data to put together a couple infographics, and I was sincerely curious as to the data. Would love if you could take a moment to...
  2. dschon

    The best way to learn magic?

    I've been doing magic for six years and I often find it hard to learn new effects or sleights that I am interested in, even after all of this time. This was especially difficult when I was first starting. With this in mind a few fellow students and entrepreneurs at Northeastern University are...
  3. dschon

    Marketplace Data

    If you are like me and are interested in trying to get data about the magic community because you want to sell a magic effect you might have found that finding out what the magic community is interested in is kind of difficult. I've been doing card magic for about six years and I am now working...
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