three card monte

  1. O

    Card hustles like 3 card monte

    Hello all I’m wondering if anyone has card hustling ideas for spectators to join in on . Thankyou
  2. H

    3 card monte

    Hello I'm brand new to the forum and I've been doing magic off and on since I was 10. I was hoping someone could help me find a card trick I use to know. The trick is 3 card monte where you have a gimmick card that you make yourself then you show the cards to the spectator then fold them. When...
  3. G

    Three card monte

    Hello, I've been latelly very interested in the three card monte. Inactually saw a video teaching how the move works. The problem is that the only technique I find is the one told by disturb reality which is very basic. I would like to know what are the variations of this trick and where can I...
  4. ladexterite

    Mexican Turnover

    One of the most underrated and unappreciated utilities in Erdnase's Book. The utility has alot of usage in terms of Magic and Gambling. One of the most notable persons that made good use of the Mexican turnover is Bebel. The move can be seen being used in Grace and his Three Card Monte. Using...
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