
  1. Arconik

    Not-Straight Corner Rip TNR

    Okay, so this is going to be hard to explain but i'll try. All tnr (that i've seen) use a straight line (straight corner/all four corners etc.). Basically you normally fold the card to get a straight line and then tear that off. Do some things and then restore it in whatever way. However, is...
  2. rob_tabris

    Unsigning signed T&R card quest

    Hello, beautiful people... A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away...) I watched a T&R card trick with a signed card... And at the end of that trick, the creases were "ironed" away and the signature was peeled off the card as if it was an "ink thread" barely glue to the card... Does anyone...
  3. M

    Top Ten Close up illusions

    Greetings all..!!! Ive been a fan of magic for over 15 years now, as hobby for 11 year and the rest as a semi pro close up magician. My specialty is close up and im pretty damn good at presentation. Sleight of hand is about 6.5 / 10 rating I guess. My question is what would you rate as the the...
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