
  1. King_Arthur

    Thought I'd Share This

    Hi all, I'm new here, thought i'd share this new video i came across on youtube to this thread. I thought it was pretty cool, just wanted to see other peoples thoughts on it, pretty mysterious..
  2. N

    What is this trick? (Help Needed)

    We found this trick in a storeroom and it had no instructions with it. Does anyone recognise it? I only have these photos, but I can get more. Images are too large, here is a link to the album: http://imgur.com/a/mcSIJ
  3. lolhammertime

    There's a flourish I keep seeing, but I don't know what it's called

    there's this one flourish I really wanna learn, but I don't know what it's called it's driving me nuts, I don't know the name!
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