
  1. P

    Looking for practical Magic wallet

    Hello, I used to only do card magic and so i only bought Trick decks like invisible deck, so Things i never actually used in the real world because I didnt wanna carry a deck of cards with me. Long Story short I want Impromptu effects with things I Always carry around, Like Rings or my Wallet...
  2. JLAndersonMagic

    Best Fire Wallet in 2020?

    Theory 11! Oh my, it's been a long time since I've seen you, but I guess that's what happens when you get a part-time job and start back at college. Because of this job, it means I can buy more magic stuff, whether that be gimmicks, cards, or tricks. I have been wanting to get one certain...
  3. C

    Recs for the best (actually available) card to wallet wallet

    My beloved BKM wallet is just about worn out and while I have always been fond of the design I have been told that current build quality is not what it once was so I am looking for recommendations for a replacement. A modern hip design would be nice, something that can be used for an everyday...
  4. Antonio Diavolo

    Storage Wallet for Packet Tricks/Gaffs?

    I was wondering if anyone had a link for some sort of pocket-sized (ish. Can be bigger) wallet with different compartments to organize various packet tricks and gaff cards? Thank You!
  5. Deadlyapples

    Best magicians wallet so far?

    Well, my current wallet is just about bust so I am going to need a new one. My current Wallet is just a simple pocket bi fold wallet, non magician wallet but figured I would like to get a magicians wallet that I can use as my normal wallet as well. I see there are many wallets each with their...
  6. Davis West

    Psypher 2.0 Wallet

    I'm currently using the wallet method from Psypher. I love the wallet that is provided with the DVD. Does anyone know where I can get more of those exact wallets?
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