2 Change Color Change


Dec 29, 2013
I have been looking at Eric Jones's el cambio nada, and multiple color change effects. I have made a steal which without knowing I did it, can be used in a color change effect. I also created a modified version of the erdnase color change, so that it doesn't even look like an erdnase. The 2 change color change use's these techniques and even a bonus move which turns 2 red aces into black aces, and back into red.
I have been looking at Eric Jones's el cambio nada, and multiple color change effects. I have made a steal which without knowing I did it, can be used in a color change effect. I also created a modified version of the erdnase color change, so that it doesn't even look like an erdnase. The 2 change color change use's these techniques and even a bonus move which turns 2 red aces into black aces, and back into red.

Oooooh, Modifying Erdnase....well aren't you innovative. Are you saying you're better than Erdnase? Huh??? Are you? Well let me tell you something....just because I drink water from a milk jug doesn't make me better than Louis Pasteur okay?

I'm sorry for being so brash, but it's for your own good.

Take care and keep fighting the good fight.


Jul 22, 2013
Oooooh, Modifying Erdnase....well aren't you innovative. Are you saying you're better than Erdnase? Huh??? Are you? Well let me tell you something....just because I drink water from a milk jug doesn't make me better than Louis Pasteur okay?

I'm sorry for being so brash, but it's for your own good.

Take care and keep fighting the good fight.


First off, this is a place where we give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Second, big deal if he's just modifying Erdnase: it's part of the learning process! I did the same thing when I was starting out. Third, that Pasteur reference made no sense. He invented the swan necked bottle in order to trap organisms in the curve... Nothing to do with water. Or milk jugs. Just a way of keeping milk fresh before it's jugged. Sorry, got off topic. Your 'being brash' was not for his own good, but, in my opinion, to make yourself feel large. You should really consider changing your attitude. Just a suggestion.
Was Nicholas being serious?

I think Nolan should have considered that possibility before the lecture. LMAO! He got close, so very close....

that Pasteur reference made no sense.

But just between me and you, notice how Nolan accused me of virtually the same thing they were also reprimanding me for doing to someone else?

Makes them seem a little hypocritical doesn't it? Yeah....I thought so.

Goes to show when you point a finger at someone, there are 3 more pointing back at you.

No hard feelings Nolan, love you buddy.


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