70 -75

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Hey guys from E. Anyone notice how you can get 75 PMs on Theory11 but on Ellusionist only 70. Just thought I'd point that out.

Lol, they thought of everything!
Sep 1, 2007
Hey guys from E. Anyone notice how you can get 75 PMs on Theory11 but on Ellusionist only 70. Just thought I'd point that out.

Lol, they thought of everything!

yes, I don't like E much to, I really don't like them. But please don't makes topics like this. Theres no reason to. And you will just start an anti E war.
Sep 1, 2007
That's nice.

Just kidd'n,ya that is pretty cool.Theory11 is the awsome.
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I'm just glad that T11 forums dont have all those ridiculous restrictions like Ellusionist forums do. I can say Penguin all I want and talk about Dan and Dave freely now! Yay! (Freebird plays in the backround)
Sep 1, 2007
And they they don't edit out swear words like were little kids.They treat us like responsible adults with the freedom of speech.Plus, it's not like I'm going to be use the f or s word.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
yes, I don't like E much to, I really don't like them. But please don't makes topics like this. Theres no reason to. And you will just start an anti E war.

Hey I never said that I didn't like E. I just wanted to post something that I found out and appeared to be funny. I'll be on both forums checking what's up. I don't want to cause a war.(That's the last thing I wanna do)

Wow... how pointless.

Sorry, but you could have probably kept that one to yourself.

This is helping....?


I just thought that I'd share it with you. I thought it was pretty funny. Sorry for cluttering.
I think that folks should just end the comparisons.

They are different sites with different aproaches. Plain and simple.

One thing I will mention is the lack of elite-ism. I for one am thankfull!

I hate when people get on threads just to be cocky, "this is helping how...." for example.

Not every thread in every forum has to further your magic. Sometimes people just like to post their thoughts, or questions that may not directly help you out.

I hope that it stays this way.

Let the elitest attitudes stay where they may, for T-11 is the dawning of a brand new day.
I think that folks should just end the comparisons.

They are different sites with different aproaches. Plain and simple.

One thing I will mention is the lack of elite-ism. I for one am thankfull!

I hate when people get on threads just to be cocky, "this is helping how...." for example.

Not every thread in every forum has to further your magic. Sometimes people just like to post their thoughts, or questions that may not directly help you out.

I hope that it stays this way.

Let the elitest attitudes stay where they may, for T-11 is the dawning of a brand new day.

great first post, kind of hard not to notice where your aiming this at, but I agree. ;)
Aug 31, 2007
And they they don't edit out swear words like were little kids.They treat us like responsible adults with the freedom of speech.Plus, it's not like I'm going to be use the f or s word.

Freedom of speech isn't exactly you saying whatever you want and should be able to get away with it, even though it is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship.

You must realize they made that rule because they knew there were young kids on the site. The last thing they really need are angry parents yelling at them because of the cussing. (Yes it happens) That want the forums family oriented, so they made it by censoring the cussing.
I believe every forum or communtiy for that matter has reasons for which the rules it has in place are there, the reasons may not be apprent to us people when we first join..or ever, but there is good reasoning behind what is done.
Aug 31, 2007
Yeah, take a look at the rules.

"We understand that times are changing, but please try to keep profanity down to an absolute minimum. Certainly no S-Bombs. Definitely no F-Bombs. Z-Bombs are fine (if you can figure out what they are)."

Yes, we cannot necessarily swear hear either. Go stick that in your front pocket.
Yeah, take a look at the rules.

"We understand that times are changing, but please try to keep profanity down to an absolute minimum. Certainly no S-Bombs. Definitely no F-Bombs. Z-Bombs are fine (if you can figure out what they are)."

Yes, we cannot necessarily swear hear either. Go stick that in your front pocket.

speaking of "z" bombs, they could mean "Zut", which is French for damn...

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Yeah, take a look at the rules.

"We understand that times are changing, but please try to keep profanity down to an absolute minimum. Certainly no S-Bombs. Definitely no F-Bombs. Z-Bombs are fine (if you can figure out what they are)."

Yes, we cannot necessarily swear hear either. Go stick that in your front pocket.

Why don't you go Z-Bomb a goat, huh?

But yes, I like the added PM space.
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