A History of Magic

Dear readers,

I have decided to write this thread to educate the masses about the histry of mystery. Here I will give brief explanations of magic throughout the ages. So let's dig in to it, shall we...


Magic has been dated all the way back to 2600 BC. This date is debated. In egyptian hyroglyphics there is a piocture that seems to show an early version of the well known cups and balls routine. Now the first true "magician" was dated back to a man in 1700 BC by the name of Dedi. He was known for decapitating chikens which he then reastored to perfect health. The first magicians did not use their abilities to entertain much though. Instead they tried to sway people to follow there religion with it. The high priests of Greece rigged up temple doors to open on their own and then shoot out flames with no apparent human interaction.

These magic beliefs puzzled people over the era's and made many people waver on their religious beliefs. Any person hwo was caught faking a magicical phenomenon was usually sentenced to death immidiatley.


In the 1700's magic was greatly believed in by almost all people. Isaac Newton actually studied alchemy which was believed to be a sin. People who practiced alchemy were said to be practicing witchcraft.

In the mid 1700's people lost interest in magic due to many scientic advances causing people to see that magic was but a trick of the eye.


Even in the 18th century magic was a form of street entertainment, or busking as it is now called. Many of the people who performed in this era knew how to juggle or spit fire. The travled in groups of acrobats and animal trainers much like a circus of today. They performed in towns, carnivals, events, and even at nobles houses. Many of the tricks they performed were quite simple like the cups and balls and torn and restored rope, hoewever due to lack of computers and such people almost could never figure out the trick. Eventually they began to realize that their playing cards were also helpful when performing sorcery. Magicians of this time usually worked with an accomplice who would pickpocket items from the crowd while they watched. Later the loot would be split 50 50.

Once the era of witchhunts had passed magicians began to perform on the streets more often.


as the 18th century progressed magicians gradually came off the streets and started to work on stage. these people began to give magic a good name in the world. In the late 19th century magicians found that they were able to appear ordissapear on stage as well as produce large objects or people. As the time progressed magicians found ways of levitating on stage for audiances. people had time to prepare these large props while the magician did some conjuring on stage. Many of these people became famous and are now worls renown.

table hoppinf originated in the 20th century and gave magicians a whole new concept to work with.


Magicians finally banned together and crewated many organizations devoted to promoting and selling magic tricks and illusions. Magic sets and kits were now avalible to the public also. Magicians also began to take part in telivision programs and such helping magic become a well known thing.

Mentalism was the next big thing and gave birth to a whole different type of magic.


Today almost any dad wil know at least one trick that he can show his kiids. Magic has now became a very profitable buisness for anyone and evryone who bothers to learn it.

Today many people can do simple sleight of hand whereas 50 years ago people hadn'tthe slightest idea of what was happening. Magicians on TV now rely on computers for many large stunts. (Criss Angel.)

Sadly, Magic is bing seen less and less in large theatres like the good ole days and is being showed mor on the internet and TV. And although we don't want to think about it we must. Is magic going to die out?

Only time will tell...
Sep 1, 2007
Aren't egyptians like 7000 years old.

No. More like 3000.

Although Mesopotamians are much older than that; about 10,000 BCE...

Around 5000 B.C. was the development of the wheel and the spread of agriculture.
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Sep 1, 2007
Sadly, Magic is bing seen less and less in large theatres like the good ole days and is being showed mor on the internet and TV. And although we don't want to think about it we must. Is magic going to die out?

Don't deny change my friend.
Dec 4, 2007
Dylan P. said:
Sadly, Magic is bing seen less and less in large theatres like the good ole days and is being showed mor on the internet and TV. And although we don't want to think about it we must. Is magic going to die out?

Magic will never die out as long as there are innovators and performers who truly care about the art. While the platform may change, the art itself remains irrevocably unchanged.

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