A List

Oct 23, 2007
hey guys if you had a list of effects (tittle, who its by and ex.)what would be the street lists you would tell someone who is going to redo there whole magic rotuine(sp?)?:(:confused::):mad:
Oct 23, 2007
simple it says a list of effects for street magic asking what is good out there??:confused::confused::confused: sry i am used to just talking to my freinds and the know i how use words so you huys have no idea what i mean sry lol
Well it depends on the type of magic your into if you want to re-work your WHOLE routine for the street, I think you should have a little of everything. So, here's my list:
*Stigmata (or just a business card)
*Gaff Deck, which fits with your deck you'll be using
*Witness (try keeping the baggy in your wallet, it's easy to do the trick and I always keep it on me)
*Bullet (works well for a street CIB, and is a crowd pleaser)
*Dan and Dave's Card To mouth (I swear it works for me EVERY time)
*3 silver/half dollars (to do various routines)
*The Raven
*Pen Through anything (get this trust me it works like gold)

And of course a deck of cards, it's up to you on what tricks you do with it. These are just my suggestions carrying all of that could take up a lot of space but, that would be a great start of any street performer.

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