A Magicians Book

Sep 1, 2007
I started magic about a year and 8 months ago and I was learning alot of slights and material in the first few months. I had lots of ideas that came into my head about revelations, forces, various tricks etc. I have a book where I wrote things down in. I don't know if any of you do this but it is a good idea.

For one, I like to refer back to the book when I am bored of practicing or "in need of new material". Its just great to see what I though was an awesome trick back when I started. It usually ends up in me improving my previous ideas and finding new ways to accomplish effects because I have more knowledge and skill now.

And this also helps me see that back when I first started even the simplest tricks like Hitman and Biddle Trick were amazing to me. And many magicians forget how great those effects can be to a layman. Simple does hit hard.

What are your thoughts on this?


Sep 1, 2007
I have several books, and they're just the ones currently in use!

I have a book for sleights, a book for routines, a book for effects and then a working book, which I write anything in.

I also use computer files, as they are very easy to keep organized.

It's a great idea! The more you can put down on paper, and the more organized you are, the more you can retain and keep. This helps with any spur of the moment ideas, and really trains to you think about magic.

I have 16 full 80 page notebooks of notes, ideas, creations, tips, etc. Anything you could think of, I wrote it down. Writing things down helps me remember, and if by chance I do forget, I can just refer back to the book. It's a great tool to have.

One thing I love to do is after every performance, write down exactly what happened and what I did wrong to try and correct those parts. It helps tremendously.

Where do you all suggest I get some magic books? Will there be any in my local chapters because there seems to be many books filled with goldmines in them for magicians unlike DVD's which have 1 trick. It would be neat to find a place closer than me than my magic store to get my "fix"

Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Where do you all suggest I get some magic books? Will there be any in my local chapters because there seems to be many books filled with goldmines in them for magicians unlike DVD's which have 1 trick. It would be neat to find a place closer than me than my magic store to get my "fix"


Most of them online. But I guess you can buy some at your local book store or a magic shop. But try researching on the internet first to see which one you want.
I do this differently.

I use Google Documents and I have my routines there, my thoughts and notes about magic and many other documents.

There always available to me from an internet connection and I can print out the next routine I will perform to take with me.

Just a thought.
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