Thanks for the comment.How I wished you've read my other post.All the descriptions and all the inspirations for the effects were mentioned there.Yep, I also entioned my handlings for each effect are somewhat different from what most already know.
Soft Curve-utilizes misdirection and finger subtleties which I didn't have the pleasure of performing due to the camera angle and other factors that's why I cut it wear the secret move is.
Stranded-a cross between Jacob's Ladder and Stairway actually.2 phases, the first, which looks like Jacob's Ladder and the second, which is a modified stairway.
Frontier-I apologize for not being familiar with Refined, but the deck color change was my addition to the classic deck turnover effect.Once again i combined some concepts.
JCKAA Change-if this has been done before,can you kindly give me a name of the change i just did?there are no logical doublelifts, no palming involved in this particular one.And if you say its already done, please do give me a name for me to search and explore it.
Yep, this is my second attempt on creating my own effects.I enjoy sharing my work, regardless that it had been done before or already made.That's why I placed the credits on the description.
Thanks again