a1magician's Five Magic Creations

Jul 15, 2009
Hi guys,

I've been working on a handful of effects since February 25, and I know its not all original, but I incorporated my handlings into these routines.I can't make a video about these effects yet, cause I want them to be tiptop shape when it appears on screen.I, however,can give description about them.Tell me what you guys think about them, or rather tell me if a similar effect had already been made. And here they are:

A color change routine from an insignificant card to a spectators selected card.A spectator picks a card,loses it in the deck.The performer turns over the top card, and with no palming,no doublelifts, and with a wave of the hand, the card changes to the spectator's selected card.

This makes use of the JCKAA Change,my creation, a color change with no palming and no doublelifts.This is my color change creation after my failed attempt on the Mirror Change buried in the forums.

A cross between Jacob's Ladder, Stairway and Dan Harlan's Traveling cash. My routine makes use of one rubberband and one bill.All I did here is combine the plots to form something different.

There are two phases: Phase 1, the performer drapes a bill over the top most strand of a stretched rubberband hooked between the left index and thumb.And he visually pulls the bill down to penetrate to the lower strand. Phase 2: The bill is given to the spectator to drape it on the top strand of the rubberband hooked between the performer's two index fingers.And again, visually, the spectator drags the bill down to the second strand.

3.)Void Grip
This was inspired by Chris Korn, I watched him perform a trick in Mondo Magic.I dont' know the name of the trick and I don't know how its done.But the plot stuck in my head.Here's my attempt on the nameless trick.

The spectator is given a 5-peso coin to examine.The performer makes a fist and the spectator is asked to insert the coin on top of the fist while placing her other hand below to catch the coin. After the insertion, the performer squeezes his fist and at the bottom, a 1-peso coin pops out.The hands are shown empty.The effect is repeated twice from 1-peso coin to a 5-peso coin.

This was inspired by Daniel Garcia's Nacho Momma's Triumph.But my routine has nothing to do with Nacho's Momma nor a triumph routine.This is a surprise trick with a similar plot with a different approach. Instead of a triumph routine as what Danny used as an attack, I make use of the one card turnover Routine and combined it with the fooling element of Danny's routine.

5.)Soft Curve
I created this effect prior to watching BentTouchSlink.The method I watched was completely different from my handling.Thankfully.This is my handling and my take on the Bent Coin Routine.As I was performing this routineat a party,I "winged it" and created a second version as well, wherein as opposed to me bending the coin, the spectator bends the coin.

Version 1:A coin is handed to the performer and with a shake, and with a blow, the coin bends.This has been done before.I've seen Jay Sankey, Paul Harris and Daniel Garcia come-up with cool handlings for this.Mine, makes use of great subtleties and exploits my large hands.I reckon smaller hands can do just fine for this.Version 2:is quite similar, except,the coin is placed in the spectator's closed fist and after a squeeze, the coin bends or warps.\


That's a wrap guys. Those are my creations and my handling on some effects.Please tell me what you guys think about them.And when I get enough feedback, I might start working on a performance video for you guys to enjoy.I like sharing my creativity, and the things that I'm working on.And I hope and pray that you guys will enjoy reading them as well...


Here's the link guys.I finally got a video.But I should say that its quite raw, cause as mentioned above I need your feedback prior to making a video.But nevertheless, I hope you will enjoy my work and do tell me what you think about them...

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Jul 15, 2009
Yes, yes, I agree with what you guys say.Sorry for sounding alittle cocky.A performance would sound or look more convincing than a post.Well, I can assure you some elements are better just left unsaid.I'm coming up with a raw video soon, the usual table mat performances (although I prefer the good street magic video).I'm going to apolgize before hand with the quality.The cams all I got here...Hehehehe
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC

A lot of effects can sound great on paper, but once you see the performance of said tricks, the description is far from the reality.

Just a thought...

While true, if you never see the video you can re-create the trick so it does look like the description without influence. Everyone saw Matheiu Bich's video of TnR, which matched the description, but failed in terms of effects we as magicians wanted.
Thats more of... the exception that proves the rule. As a rule of thumb, magic descriptions are different than the actual viewing, BECAUSE the description is SANS the bad sleights, sans the bad patter, and sans the all around poor performance. With description, all you see in you head is the magic. But if your trying to see a real world effect, chances are your going to need to see a real world performance.
Jul 15, 2009
Her;s the performance vid guys. Sorry for the bad Quality and sorry for the raw handlings.I already mentioned that I wanted them all to be tiptop shape before I make a vid. But since most of you reuqested for a performance, well so far here's what I got....hope you guys will enjoy...

Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Thats more of... the exception that proves the rule. As a rule of thumb, magic descriptions are different than the actual viewing, BECAUSE the description is SANS the bad sleights, sans the bad patter, and sans the all around poor performance. With description, all you see in you head is the magic. But if your trying to see a real world effect, chances are your going to need to see a real world performance.

Or it tells you what the spectator sees, if you perform it correctly. Many people love bashing tricks that use 'bad' sleights and are angle sensitive. If the description says 'surrounded' and you can't do it surrounded, then you can complain, but the effects themselves will more often than not appear just like the description to someone who doesn't know magic sleights and techniques.

There are a lot of effects that show real world performances that I can see right through and wonder how it fools anyone. It matches the description closely...but it just seems transparent, the spectators are into it, and amazed, but as a Magician don't understand how. I then remember that they don't know everything I know, they don't know about gaffed cards and sleight of hand like I do.

There are dozens of 100+ tricks with a TT books out there and the effect descriptions are way overblown after you look at the method. "Pour water into a dollar, the bill does not get wet and you can then re-pour the liquid into any container..." (With a sponge in the TT you can have it vanish completely) and you'd think the effect was a waste. I've performed this a few times, played it up a little bit (something about the way currency is designed to hold liquid and many people don't roll the bill right when they do it) and show the effect (while having someone else soak a dollar trying to do it the same, I of course offer to take the wet bill and let them keep the dry one) and it plays very well for lay-audiences.

This is why I prefer books to DVDs, there's nothing wrong with DVDs, but books don't show you exactly what it looks like. It gives a description of the illusion you're going to create and then a way to create that illusion. If you just go through and read descriptions you could come up with 6 ways to make any one of the effects work. Some of them good and some bad, but I encourage you to do this with the next book you buy. Call it an exercise in creativity, try to accomplish what the description claims to happen, and then read the method. Too many magicians hurry through the description and go straight to the method so they can start practicing. There might not be anything wrong with this, but you'll eventually have to think about what it's supposed to look like, and if you're vision was different then the creators-do it differently.
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