So anyway. I liked the routine. The two things I would say is this: Firstly, when you get that pinky break, I think it would work better if you did it slower. Doing it fast kinda calls attention to it because it's sudden - and our eyes naturally track and focus on movement. Just do it casually, nothing to see here...
The other thing is, structurally, I think you should remove the tilt and replace with another phase - just for variety's sake - to make it a little more interesting, since it looks very similar to the first phase.
As for the last bit, shadow... The steal needs to be a bit more fluid. There are probably better side steals you could learn, the one you used covers an awful lot of the deck and looks very sus because of it... By the time you do the change, your hand is natural again - but as I said in another video, palming still needs a fair bit of work on looking natural.
I loved the music too, by the way.