
Mar 13, 2008
Hello everybody :)

My name is Henri, im from Estonia, and i've been into magic about one year. In that time i've learned many tricks, and flourishes. Mainly with cards. I do tricks and flourishes fifty-fifty.
So, i have a couple of questions for you, and a bit of advice would be very appreciated.
First off, in that one year, i havn't practised a lot. Maybe just, take cards in hands sometimes when im boring, etc. But now, i want to take it more seriously. So i ordered trilogy. I have about 1 week for it to arrive. That 1 week, i'll be on vacation, and i have a lot of time to practise everything with cards.
So i ask, what should i know, learn, first, when i want to be a magician someday. I can do such things like Charlier cut, sybil, one hand fan, etc, and easier things, like grips, etc.
From tricks, i can do 2CM, here then there, and such easier tricks.

In one sentence : What should i learn first. The very easier things. Please dont say something like : "Buy RRTCM", "Get card college", etc.

All of your help will be greatly appreciated,
Oct 18, 2007
Become extremely comfortable with cards if that's your thing, learn how to handle them properly and whatnot. If you're looking to be a working magician don't focus too much on flourishing, it's a good skill to have and practice but it's not essential to a magic performance; Like you could probably whip out a couple of Sybils towards the end of a routine for fun or whatever. As for actual sleights, I think the basics you should practice are double lifts, a few card controls and maybe some false shuffles to start. =] Don't forget about misdirection!
Mar 13, 2008
If you want to learn certain tricks that are a must have then I recomend any of Wayne Houchin's work. Two of my favourite effects created by him are:

Sinful- The effect of taking some ones borrowed an SIGNED quarter and slamming it inside a completely sealed soda can.

Stigmata-Allowing a spectators thoughts to form an impression on your wrist.(this tick is a good starting trick.)

On different note though, if you wish to perform only card magic thats fine by me but if you really want to excel as a performer try learning routines other than just card magic. The reasoning for this is because when I first started out I would peform for students at the high school I went to and eventually this one phrase kept coming up..

"Do you do any thing else besides cards?"

And this can be really discouraging exspecially if you only just started magic so what I can say is learn different kinds of magic. Anything is fair game. Try looking into David Stone Volumes 1&2 also. Those two dvds have great tips on starting out and have a great diversety of tricks you can learn.

All the Best

J. Montgomery
Mar 13, 2008
Thanks for your help guys ;)

What i actually ment, was, that, what should i know/learn before i buy any magic product(book, trick, video) The very first basics. I hope you understand me now, Farrell

Jan 13, 2008
New York, USA
I don't understand why you invested in the Trilogy. You need to learn the basics before you learn extremely difficult, flashy variations on classic effects. Yes you should get Royal Road, Expert Card Technique, and/or Card College. These books contain everything you would ever need to become a great card magician. Only you can make magic more interesting for yourself, not a DVD.
Sep 1, 2007
Greg Wilson's Double Take

Card College

The advice is always the same because it's good advice. Its in resources like these that you will learn the basics you're interested in.

Deleted member 2755

I have to agree. As much as I would love to order Trilogy and start doing the stuff on the DVDs, I would only be cheating myself. Get the basics good. Then move on to harder stuff like Trilogy.

However, since you asked people not to give helpful advice, :)rolleyes:) I'll tell you what you want. Watch an effect. If you like it then learn it. You decide what to learn. Don't ask us what you should learn from a DVD set you ordered. You should decide yourself.

Sure, books are kind of boring. I actually get kind of tired while reading Card College to tell you the truth, but it will only help me in the future. Plus once I get the basics I can move on to stuff like Trilogy. Also, the real fun is performing the effects for people. :)

Have patience. As Aaron suggested in his Card Fundamentals video, don't do something such as buy Expert at the Card Table before you learn the basics. You will only slow down your improvement and things will come a lot harder to you as you may not have your hands in the correct position for everything.

Well, there you go. As much as you probably hated reading this, it is the truth. I only mean to help as everyone else here.

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