After some advice

Oct 8, 2011
Hi guys been away from magic for some time now due to work and kids . Never stopped checking what was going on but haven't practised for years. So I'm a card guy and I'm a bit overwhelmed on where to start again, I've got the royal road to card magic and the first 2 volumes of card college, because I've sparked my interest back up and I want to put the time in to it I'm not sure whether to go back to the books I've read or start buying more? I'm looking at anything by Darwin Ortiz and Jason England and expert card technique. Has anyone ever stepped away for a long period of time and come back? If so how did you approach it?


Jan 26, 2017
Reviewing the basics can't hurt you. I would say go back over the royal road and expert card technique, just to jog your memory. Since card work is a lot of muscle memory, it should come back fairly quickly.

Hope this helps :)
Oct 8, 2011
Cheers Maaz for the reply, that was my first thought. I think because it's been so long it feels all new and I feel like a kid in a sweet shop. I want to buy everything I can get my hands on, this wouldn't end well with the Mrs mind. I think I will go back to what I got and maybe buy 1 new book for now, I'm thinking cardshark by Darwin Ortiz.

Thanks again
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
or start buying more?

I always go with buying more books... but that's just me. :cool:

But seriously, I'm with @Maaz Hasan on this one. Card College all the way to relearn the basics. BUT... you might treat yourself one new book... you know some candy. Some books to check out are Bannon's High Caliber, Gustaferro's One Degree, Paul Harris's Art of Astonishment, John Lovick's Handsome Jack, Guy Hollingsworth Drawing Room Deceptions and of course, anything by Darwin Ortiz - expecially his current reprint of Cardshark (which is only available directly from Darwin). They are all good books.
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Oct 8, 2011
Cheers @RealityOne for the recommendations , will definitely look into them. Picked up the royal road this morning started at the beginning and it didn't take long to get back into the swing of things. Granted the start of the book is overhand shuffle but it felt good just following along . I'm so excited to get back in to it , think I will purchase cardshark as treat :)

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