Always a Magician

Feb 28, 2008
Something I find somewhat funny about being a magician is that throughout my day, I am a magician and ready to perform. Everywhere I go I have a deck of cards, I have a few gaffs or gimmicks with me, I'm ready to do a coin vanish, I own a fire wallet, etc. At any time of my day, I'm ready and willing to be a magician.

I'm a lot of other things as well. I'm a student, but I'm not always doing school work. I'm a teacher, but I'm not always teaching lessons. I'm a musician, but I don't always have my guitar on me or sing every word I say. But no matter where I am, I'm always a magician wanting to perform.

It seems like magic, at least for me and a lot of people on this board, is something we always want to share with the world and it's something we use to brighten people's days in someway.

The other day, I was in a foul mood. I had just had my heart ripped-out and was taking the subway home. In my frustration, I pulled out a deck of cards and just started to Sybill as I just thought about things - I like to flourish to clear my head - and a guy across the train was watching me and said, "That's trippy." And I replied, "Do you want to see a trick?" I then did my version of Chad Nelson's "Rum Jungle" for the guy and his friend. That moment that I performed, I was able to get out of my heart-break and just be someone and somewhere else.

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say with this, but I just think that magic, as performers of magic, we all carry it with us more so than a painter carries his art or a musician carries her song. We have an ability to share it at any time and it can change others days as well as our own.

So, I guess I just want to know what other people carry with them at all times? What tricks do you bring with you in case the opportunity arises?
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
I carry around a Predator IKON series cue stick, a 9 foot Brunswick table, and a rack of Aramith billiards balls, so that if someone asks, I can perform a couple of trick shots on request. It's a bit heavy but I have a big back pack.
Jul 16, 2008
true that some people just dont understand, a deck of cards is like pandoras box there are limitless thing it can accomplis. maybe for a card game , to unleash the moment or just to relax after a stressful day. there is not thing it cant do for a magican and once you cross that line from a guy with a few tricks to learning routes. you and your deck become one.
Nov 29, 2008
I share your sentiments, as I am mainly a card magician. Whenever I go out on the weekends or at night, because they do not permit the use of cards in my school, i always have a deck with me in a card clip. Sometimes i will have set up on the top or bottom. And if i really can't get through to someone after a few simpler effects, i usually carry around a few cards from the ultragaff deck to really make people wonder.
Mar 16, 2009
I usually just have a broken in normal deck with me (usually Tally Ho's) in a Card Clip (the black one from D&D). My school allows cards so i flourish on spare time in school and show people tricks. Sometimes at lunch we play cards too. If any of you have Organic, Dan has an article in it talking about improv magic which is similar to this subject. If you have a wide knowledge of sleights with almost anything, it's like you have an invisible utility belt always ready to perform miracles without the feel of it being planned out and rehearsed.
Mar 20, 2009
Al Wakrah, Qatar
I always have at least two decks - one with the top or bottom set up and the other, just a normal deck.( I have these with me every time i go out. Even to school)

I don't like to use gaff cards that much but yeah, I do have them with me once in a while.

And when i receive my tarantula gimmick, its gonna be with me every time.

We are kinda allowed to bring these stuff to school as long as it is only for magic.
well when you are performing like for a couple of people do effects that are simple, when its a larger croud go for the big effects, i'm not gonna lie, i perform some old blaine card tricks, i do the ambitious routine always, i do the voodoo card, for small crowds or just a single person, for bigger crowds i do the torn and restored paper towel, i do a couple of mentalisms, and for the really bar full of people i do my own stuff, i do CONSUMMATED, I PERFORM STIMULUS, i also do a couple of other people's stuff such as LACED, KAOS, FROZEN, FRAUD, IVANISH, WARNING trust me it all will suffice, do what you are comfortable doing, i have done the old arm twister for years for different crowds, i mix it up usually, even the old levitation act gets em, but to answer your question, herre's what to do, be kinda of like batman,

have almost like a utility belt, (not really) but have things like cards, glue, money, tape, thread, long sleeves, long pant legs, its not so much the things u carry, its the clothes you wear, that will allow you to carry more, i hope this helps, but man i don't have any gaffed cards, i usually make my own. But i will get me at least 5 series of gaffs in about a week or so.

Oct 15, 2008
I always have two decks with me at all times.

A invisible deck and a regular deck with 1 or 2 duplicates

I also carry

Im going to start carrying a balloon or two for pressure

All my friends love card tricks, every time they seem they want to see a trick. no matter where im at i always have cards on me
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