Ambitious Card Improvement (Tivo 2.0)

Nov 1, 2007
Hey Larry,

Your performance of the Bucks' transposition was not bad at all - good sleights, though your handling might have been a bit flashy for a lay person (purely opinion). but I'm interested to hear more about how you incorporated the effect into your ACR - why did that patter not end up in the video? It appeared to me you just performed the effect as it was taught on the trilogy, which is a rather tired approach.

I would have been much more interested in hearing your patter than to see Tivo 2 performed again. Sorry I don't have some better constructive feedback.
Jun 2, 2013
My plan is to use the Tivo to "demonstrate" to the spectator how the ambitious card is able to appear on the top with a magical gesture. Although I worked on this for over a month, I do think it is still a bit flashy and the sleights could definitely be performed much more subtly.

I posted the video just to demonstrate my execution of the move, so I just used the one in the Trilogy.
Jun 2, 2013
I couldn't help but express my air of boredom after tinkering with this effect for so long, haha.

Anyways, if you were to look closely at the effect, I actually changed a few steps in making the effect work. This led up to me being able to Cardini Change the card into a finger/tenkai palm, making the reveal of the outjogged card MUCH easier to align and take out. However, I still feel that Dan and Daves' technique make the effect of taking the middle card out look more natural.....

Do you think I can afford to stay with my tenkai palm technique, or should I keep practicing Dan and Daves' technique?
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