Andrew Mayne

I think he's a really smart guy. I most of the stuff he puts out are really good ideas. What i like about him and his style of booklets is he doesn't give the reader everything. I believe there are too many young kids who watch a magician perform on a video and do that exact routine. (i know this because I once did it) Anyway, his booklets give you the idea behind the trick and a basic approach, the rest is up to you.

One thing some people don't like from him is the fact that he has dvds that are very short. He sells dvd tricks with sometimes only one trick on it, running time about 20 minutes. i don't have a problem with it. If you have a problem with it, you don't have to buy it. If people didn't buy it he wouldn't make any more like that, and that hasn't slowed. MAgic, like all things in life is just business-and he does it pretty darn well.

yeah, i like him.
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