Andthensome or FIVE

Aug 17, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Ok... Now, before i say anything. I know these DVDs are totally different in anyway possible. Its like The Trilogy and Symphony, which i have both, and love them both. But i just cant decide on which to get, i perform tons of stuff from the trilogy and stuff from symphony and they are both great.

any help?


Apr 5, 2009

if i were you id just get both bc you like those others so much so why not have these to also there both at reasanable prices so you should get both.
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
I don't have Five, but if you could tell me what you do more. Cards or Random objects? I have Andthensome and it's a great DVD. Well worth the money, and it'll keep you busy for a long time.

Jan 5, 2010
Really, they just released one of the best effects (in my opinion) from FIVE in a 1-on-1!

Again, it depends more on what you like overall.

If cards and looking for a little something impromptu to throw in then I would go with ANDTHENSOME and just buy STAIRWAY.

Or you can go the other route, Dan and Dave also do OnDemand stuff with flourishes from TRILOGY, and I think ANDTHENSOME.
I don't know what type of performer you are, so making a decision for you is kinda hard. Here is my point of view. I have both, but I perform FIVE more than andthensome. FIVE has simple trick, but it pack with amazing reaction. Andthensome has good tricks and techniques, but sometimes its hard for the spectators to follow. Andthensome is a great dvd for fooling others magicians; so, if you want to work on technique, then get andthensome. FIVE on the other hand is fairly simple. The tricks are simple, the technique thought in the dvd is simple. To conclude, if you are a close up performer, then get FIVE. If you are a show off card man, then get andthensome. As everyone else mentioned, I would get them both eventually.
Mar 27, 2010
well yes your right they are completely different and i think you should go with the one that fits your style :) Do you like to perform visual close-up magic or card magic also very visual in andthensome.
Sorry if this didn't help much but that's all i can say.

- Zac
Mar 21, 2010
I'd say go with FIVE, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Now the contents of Andthensome is basically what I call 'sleight magic'; "magic" that doesn't seem like magic, but just fancy tricks.

One example is the 4-Ace-Production - this I find has no magic whatsoever in it, because tell me, how is that what we call magic?

On the other hand, taking a dollar bill, placing it on a rubberband ladder, and making it magically jump from the bottom to top, and then back down seems like something our spectators would rather enjoy, watch, and remember, instead of seeing a card in the middle of the deck tranpos with the card on top of the deck.

But like I said, that is my opinion, regardless if I get bashed, I don't care, because I stand behind my posts, and in what I believe.
Apr 5, 2009
I'd say go with FIVE, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Now the contents of Andthensome is basically what I call 'sleight magic'; "magic" that doesn't seem like magic, but just fancy tricks.

One example is the 4-Ace-Production - this I find has no magic whatsoever in it, because tell me, how is that what we call magic?

On the other hand, taking a dollar bill, placing it on a rubberband ladder, and making it magically jump from the bottom to top, and then back down seems like something our spectators would rather enjoy, watch, and remember, instead of seeing a card in the middle of the deck tranpos with the card on top of the deck.

But like I said, that is my opinion, regardless if I get bashed, I don't care, because I stand behind my posts, and in what I believe.
ya u said i think that exacly the same like to me i dont even think the trilogy is all that amazing i prefer other things like the 3 loops dvds or the 3 ultragaff dvds or the 3 garcia project set.
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