So you want to write a blog for laymen, about magic. You're three articles in and have run out of ideas.
My first piece of advice: Get a backlog built up. If you bust your backside now to write up a bunch of posts, you can store them and release them slowly on your schedule. Web cartoonists and YouTube folks do this all the time. It's a good way to coast through times when you're low on ideas.
Second piece of advice: If you're writing for laymen, ask them what they'd like to read about. Asking here will get you what magicians want to read about, which rarely really overlaps with what laymen want to read.
Some suggestions for content -
People like to be let "behind the scenes" of creative folks' work. Things like how you build a new routine, from the idea to getting it stage ready, how it can get tweaked afterward, so on.
Things laymen wouldn't think about on the magician's side. Like how we have to set up a rehearsal space, how much time we might spend perfecting a single aspect of a routine, where we sources various ideas for routines, etc.
Unexpected trivia regarding magic history. People love the story of Houdin and the Algerians, for example. I've written a few guest blog posts along these lines, such as how the Fox Sisters effected spiritualism's rise to prominence.
Insights into non-magic interests of yours. Again, people like to see behind the curtain. Let them into a bit of your non-performer life as well.