They discussed this at the I.B.M meeting I attended in August. At first I thought it would be a good idea, but after hearing more about it, I decided that these people should be shunned by all magicians. What they are doing is ethically, and I believe legally wrong.
Obviously, they are marketing to the newer, younger magicians that don't know better, and are all hyped up on the opportunity to use their parents' credit card(s), and don't want to spend the full price to support the creator and the art of magic itself.
When I was at this I.B.M. meeting, they said that this was against copyright laws, because the "Netflix wannabes" don't get permission from the creators of the DVDs. I think the pros, that could actually do something about it, need to know about it, and get it stopped. I think a couple law suits would put these people in their place.
I could go on for a long time about this subject, and I may just write an essay unleashing my wrath to these losers. I will be contacting all the pros I can to get this stopped. This doesn't put them on a level equal to the Masked Magician... this is below him.
But I figured the levitation was a ripoff the whole time, as well.
Last night I started to take immediate action against this site. I contact theory11, as well as many other pros that have DVDs on that site. Unfortunately, I didn't think there was anything that I could do. Then, a fellow magician brought this neat little thing to my attention:
his video is video is sold for home use only.
Duplication, public exhibition, rental or any other commercial
use in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
That cute little disclaimer is at the bottom of every single L&L Publishing DVD. Can they take legal action? I certainly hope so. I just got done writing them an E-Mail, in hopes that they will be the ones who put a stop to this crap. I think I have made my feelings about this site very clear, and I hope the actions I and others have taken will get it shut down for good.