Awesome routine

Just a new routine I came up with and it gets BIG reactions. I start off with the card version of stigmata, complain how much my wrist hurts and move into fixing it with disjointed, then I say how much it hurt and I think I broke something and get them to check my pulse (control). Any thoughts?? Everytime I do it the crowd goes NUTS
Dec 3, 2007
Very smart. It flows good, and when you are done you have shown a degree of complete body control.

As for the transition from disjointed to "control" I thought about saying:

That was very painful. Sometimes I experiment with my body so I could make things less painful. Here, fell my pulse...

Although I see your perspective is more a random one (something hurts and then something happens, rather than you showing control over it). A lot of different perspectives could be used with a routine like this. It personally fits me better to have control over my body, than everything being random. I like the way you present it though.
Sep 2, 2007
For me, instead of saying that it hurts, say that your hand is losing circulation. Maybe you broke a bone which is cutting off a blood vessel.
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