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This weekend I experimented with the gaff decks I had, Ghost, Arcane and Ultragaff and most effect I showed got the most craziest reactions! But I hate having gimmicks, and I have noticed all of the effects, I perform impromptu get small, little reactions such as "Cool". I just wanted to know your opinions on the subject of gaff playing cards, and if you use them or not.
Nov 19, 2010
the only gaff effect i do alot is parallel from ultragaff which as you know can be carried mush easier than any of the others


the only gaff effect i do alot is parallel from ultragaff which as you know can be carried mush easier than any of the others

Dude that is a great effect, great way to use a gaff, another way is in the arcane gaff dvd
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Well, two comments:

a) Sounds like you're having great results with a gaff deck, so it probably wouldn't hurt to keep one nearby when you can (especially if it blends well).

b) Also sounds like you need to work on your impromptu stuff. I don't think gaff magic is inherently better or worse - but it sounds like YOUR impromptu magic isn't as good. Take a look at why that is, and you'll have your answer. I wouldn't rely solely on gaffs and gimmicks.
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