Bad Hands...

May 22, 2008
Sup guys?
I've had this problem a lot ever since I started magic(Don't worry, i'm only fourteen, I started when I was twelve. No big screw ups yet..). It's my terrible hand condition. What happens is they're really sweaty sometimes and takes a long while to dry(The results of producing testosterone..... I freakin' fourteen, what do you expect???). Other times, they get dry, but so dry that they're slipperry and you can't get a grip of the cards. For example, I can't do the erdnase change well because I can't move the card foward or back. Do you guys know what I mean? What should I do? Does lotion help at all? Hope you guys can help..
Nov 25, 2007
Go to a prank shop and but a pair of fake hands, and use them for the tricks.....jk....
I would have to say, is just practice when they are sweaty or dry, so you get used , to how they feel, and eventually, the condition will go away, but for just keep on practicing as is.
Maybe try some coin tricks, mentalism, hypnosis....
Sep 1, 2007
If you plan on performing several tricks in succession, buy yourself a couple sticks of white sidewalk chalk.

It'll help significantly with sweaty palms.
Go to BodyShop, and tell them you're problem, they may have a lotion for it.

Also try , and search lotions, you might find something you like. I personally have dry skin, rarely it becomes sweaty, so can't give you solid advice on this mate.

For dry skin, however, you can try to lick ( yuck! ) the finger needed to do the action, just to give it some warmth ( like cashier guys doing this to money ). This is actually used by false dealers quite often.
i generally have the same problem as you. sweaty palms. hmm, i carry around 2-3 packs of cards with me everywhere i go. just in case. so like, when you feel that one pack has gotten "too much water" in them, just swap a deck to prevent damage to the cards.

if the spectator asks, just say you've got sweaty palms and dont want to damage your cards. if your hands go too sweaty, wipe on something. like, your shirt. lol, it's your own sweat right. xD

then for the too dry problem, choose the state of your hands that you feel would be more effective for performing. if you're better with your hands wet, then make your hands wet. but not too wet. haha.

hope this helps.
Normally I would wash my hands, dry them then use a hand sanitizer (I'll get back to you on the name) and my hands aren't sweaty and have a rough texture to them due to the sanitizer which will give a secure grip...and a perfect Erdnase :D

Sep 1, 2007
Do what gymnasts do. Put ground up chalk on your hands.

I'm serious. Try it out.

Or use baby powder.
Mar 30, 2008
I feel your pain, I'm 14 and I used to have the same problem. I usually use a hdn sanitizer called, "Pure", and then wave my hands around in the air. It cleans your hands of your sweat and it also somewhat helps me with flourishes and stuff because my hands have a proper grip over the cards, coins, etc,
Sep 1, 2007
on Theory11.
For sweaty hands, try practicing in front of a fan on the "low" setting. It still may be a little windy for aerial tricks/flourishes, but if the cards stay in your hands the whole time, you might be alright.
I personally struggle with dry hands and I'm constantly using moisurizers before I handle cards...
Oct 25, 2007
Try using your feet!!!!:D

No, in all seriousness, try washing your hands with a regular bar soap for a good 15 seconds and dry them. The soap give your hands a more rough feeling thus allowing you to grip cards more securely.
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