Banana Pancakes

May 3, 2008
apologies. especially being the first comment on your video.

your video shows typical beginner/reaching mediocre standard flourishers nowadays. the moves appear to be unpractised and not entirely smooth flowing. though not exactly messy, i tend to cringe here and there when i see stuff being done like that.

i'll come right out and say this. your anaconda sucked.

that, and people need to stop doing that god damned one card twirl when its not needed and not matched to a flourish at all.

practice. you need practice. and to not release videos till youre sure that they can get an overall positive rating.

thats what i do. at one point of time, i made more videos a week that most people can imagine. but i didnt post them. i just analysed what looked horrid, and worked on it.

The only thing i really hated about your video was the "anaconda".
Feb 8, 2008
Hey hey whoa. I appreciate the criticism but no need to be harsh.

Anyways, lets just say that I never bought the DVD for the Anaconda. I've been doing this same one from the same length for months before it came out. If I would have posted this video before all of the WLD '09 craziness, than no one would have said a word about my Anaconda.

Also, listen, I understand your comments about having a good video before you put it out there. But you see, I'm not exceptionally talented at flourishing and editing. These are things I truly work genuinely hard on, but I can never seem to get it at the level of all these videos I see. Even after all my flourishing practice, which I've been doing for a few months now, I can't seem to be up to speed with everyone.

I work hard and take pride in what I do. This video is an example of me trying very hard to do what I love. I'm sorry that you can't see that.
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