Basic Cardistry Questions

Jun 18, 2019
West Bengal, India
For the Bullet by Andrei, he sometimes keeps the card flicking one side and then the other by switching positions of the index and the middle fingers which are clipping the card.

Does that move have a specific name? If so, what is it?

Moreover, how to get better at it (since it makes all twirls look more flashy)? My fingers sometimes 'jam' and I can't switch the positions of the index and the middle fingers after the first time.

Secondly, is the way of performing the Angel where you tip your hand over so as to let gravity assist you, the inferior way or something? If so, what is a foolproof way of getting the thumb to stick to the card, alongside practice?

Flick advice? When I do Andrei's flick, the card doesn't travel long ditances well, and if I apply greater force to the snap, it flies too fast for me to catch it. Is it just a practice issue?

Moreover, is it the nature of flick the have te card travel in an absolute straight line from one hand to another?

When doinf Kevin Ho's Backdrop, the card sometimes lands on the deck face up or face down, even when I 'do' the move with the card held face down. Help?

Do finger exercises help with cardistry? They look really cool but it seems as if they help only better certain things your fingers would do, it doesn't seem to improve the general quality of one's cardistry. Opinions?

Finally, when does one finish 'learning' a move? When it can be done without looking at the tutorial, when it can be done sufficiently well, when it can be done 'fast' (I doubt this one), when it can be done aesthetically or when it can be done 100% of the time?

For things as simple as the Charlier Cut, hitting 100% of the time is easy, but if I only get something about, 90%-ish of the times (think aerials) then have I not 'learnt' the move yet?

Thanks! :)

PS:- If anybody knows some great cardistry documentaries out there, I'd love to watch them! I've watched almost all such videos and would love more of them (for those who haven't been as lucky as even me, go search Sean O Documentaries on You Tube!).
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